Interlibrary loans are available for Museum-related projects when an item (book/article/video) is not available on-site, and is not readily available from a local library.
Requests are submitted through the library catalog. Use your library account to login and select 'suggestions/requests' from your patron dashboard to fill out form.
Patron Group: Internal (GOKM employees, interns, volunteers, docents, fellows)
Maximum number of open ILLs: No maximum
Borrowing Period: Varies and is determined by the lending library
Renewals: Varies and is determined by the lending library
Submitting request: Requests are submitted through the request form in the library catalog
Request review: The library will review and approve request or send patron notice of why request could not be filled
Status updates: Status of ILL request will be emailed to patron
Pick-up: ILLs ready for pickup can be retrieved from the library's pick-up location
Return: ILLs can be returned to the library's books return location