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Georgia O'Keeffe: Finding Words: Home

This exhibition features select letters written by Georgia O’Keeffe that reveal connections and insight into her daily life, as well as writings penned and published by O'Keeffe about her life and work.

Library & Archive Exhibition: Georgia O'Keeffe: Finding Words

“The meaning of a word—to me—is not as exact as the meaning of a color.”

—Georgia O'Keeffe, 1976

Georgia O’Keeffe repeatedly remarked that words did not suffice when it came to expressing herself. Nonetheless, she often wrote in support of her work and authored letters daily for personal and professional purposes.

Writing to family, friends, and a fascinating circle of colleagues, O’Keeffe’s letters offer a glimpse into her passions, triumphs, and the daily happenings of her life. From matter-of-fact instructions on how to handle and repair her paintings to descriptive missives penned during her travels, which transport the reader to another place and time, O’Keeffe’s faithful application of pen to paper has allowed her thoughts and life to be shared with the world.

Georgia O’Keeffe sparred with critics through the written word and regularly composed statements for her annual exhibitions that were printed in catalogues and brochures. This exhibition features an array of O’Keeffe’s writings about art and her own artistic practice. It includes her opinion piece in the avant-garde arts journal Manuscripts to the question of whether or not a photograph can be a significant work of art as well as her first monograph. In 1976, with no large-scale publication devoted to her art or biography existing, O’Keeffe thoughtfully designed and produced a book about her life and art. Part autobiography, memoir, and art monograph, it continues to serve as a “definitive study” of the artist, just as she intended it. 

Georgia O'Keeffe: encontrando palabras 

 “El significado de una palabra —para mí— no es tan preciso como el significado de un color”.

—Georgia O’Keeffe, 1976

Georgia O’Keeffe repetidamente hizo notar que las palabras no eran suficientes cuando de expresarse se trataba. No obstante, con frecuencia escribió para apoyar su obra y diariamente escribió cartas personales y con propósitos profesionales. Su correspondencia a familiares, amigos y un fascinante círculo de colegas ofrece un vistazo a las pasiones, triunfos y acontecimientos diarios en la vida de O’Keeffe. Desde las prácticas instrucciones de cómo manejar y reparar sus pinturas hasta las descriptivas misivas redactadas durante sus viajes — las cuales transportan al lector a otros lugares y tiempos— su fiel aplicación de la pluma al papel ha permitido que sus pensamientos y su vida se compartan con el mundo.

Georgia O’Keeffe con frecuencia discutió con críticos por medio de la palabra escrita y regularmente compuso comentarios para sus exposiciones anuales, las cuales se publicaron en catálogos y folletos. Esta vitrina muestra una selección de escritos de O’Keeffe sobre el arte y su propia práctica artística.

Incluye un artículo de opinión en la vanguardista publicación de arte Manuscritos con relación al cuestionamiento de si una fotografía es o no una obra de arte significativa así como su primera monografía. En 1976, sin que existiera ninguna publicación a gran escala dedicada a su arte o biografía, O’Keeffe concienzudamente diseñó y produjo un libro sobre su vida y arte. Parte autobiografía, memoria y arte monográfico, sirve aún como un “estudio definitivo” de la artista, así como ella lo planeó.

Exhibition Details

Exhibition: Georgia O'Keeffe: Finding Words

Location: Michael S. Engl Family Foundation Library and Archive, Georgia O'Keeffe Museum

Dates: March 2023 - September 2024

Curator: Elizabeth Ehrnst

Credit List:


Exhibition Installation

Georgia O'Keeffe: Finding Words, Correspondence Display Case

Georgia O'Keeffe: Finding Words, Correspondence Display Case, Detail

Georgia O'Keeffe: Finding Words, O’Keeffe Writing Display Case

Georgia O'Keeffe: Finding Words, O’Keeffe Writing Display Case, Detail

Georgia O'Keeffe: Finding Words, Display Drawers

Box of Ink Pens and Pencils

Maria Chabot. Georgia O'Keeffe Writing Daily Letter to Alfred Stieglitz, Ghost Ranch House Patio, 1944.

MSS, no. 4 (December, 1922).

Collection of Ink Pens

Ink and Pen

Letter from Georgia O’Keeffe to Alfred Stieglitz, April 19, 1944

O'Keeffe Published Words and Writings

Learn more about O'Keeffe's art and life from the artist herself in published collections of letters and books that she authored.

Published Georgia O'Keeffe Correspondence

Books by Georgia O'Keeffe