Georgia O’Keeffe maintained two homes in Northern New Mexico. Her summer house, twelve miles from Abiquiú, sits on 12 acres at the edge of a 21,000-acre property called Ghost Ranch. Though breathtakingly situated, O’Keeffe’s Ghost Ranch home was not suitable for her to live in year-round. O’Keeffe purchased a larger home, in the village of Abiquiú, for its well-irrigated garden and the comfort it offered in winter.
The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum owns and maintains both houses.
Select a property below for information and resources related to that home.
The term “O’Keeffe Country” is used in some sources to describe the area of northern New Mexico where Georgia O’Keeffe lived and painted. The Georgia O'Keeffe Museum no longer supports the use of this term. Learn more with the resources below.