Although she was known for being reclusive, Georgia O’Keeffe was surrounded by interesting people throughout her life. The recollections, letters, and photographs shared by these individuals provide a fuller, more accurate, albeit more complex, picture of O’Keeffe’s life and work.
A pesar de que se le conocía por ser solitaria, Georgia O’Keeffe estuvo rodeada de personas interesantes toda su vida. Los recuerdos, cartas y fotografías que estas personas han compartido ofrecen una imagen más completa y precisa si bien más compleja de la vida y obra de O’Keeffe.
Exhibition: Connecting O'Keeffe
Location: Michaels S. Engl Family Foundation Library and Archive, Georgia O'Keeffe Museum
Dates: September 2019 - February 2020
Curators: Ashley Baranyk, Elizabeth Ehrnst
Learn more about the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum Archives:
The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum’s archive contains a variety of materials related to Georgia O’Keeffe and her contemporaries, including correspondence, photographs, and ephemera with lasting historical value. These wide-ranging collections tell a story of interconnectedness: the connections and relationships O’Keeffe built during the course of her life, as well as the meaningful links between artifacts in the archive that allow us to tell such stories.
Frances O’Brien was an accomplished portrait artist and personal friend of Georgia O’Keeffe. They shared an apartment in New York City shortly after O'Keeffe's husband, Alfred Stieglitz, died in 1946, and corresponded and visited one another regularly over the years.
Edith Halpert, businesswoman and art dealer, founded and ran the Downtown Gallery in New York City. Halpert exhibited O’Keeffe’s artwork regularly from 1935 to 1961, managing sales and at times, facilitating framing and conservation.
Laura Gilpin was a celebrated photographer known for her images of southwestern landscapes and the Pueblo and Navajo people. The first professional woman photographer to document Georgia O’Keeffe in her Abiquiú home, Gilpin developed a good relationship with O’Keeffe and photographed her several times later in life.
Louis Rosen was a nuclear physicist for the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos. Louis and Mary Rosen became friends with O’Keeffe through the mutual acquaintance of John and Elizabeth Allred, daughter to O’Keeffe’s neighbor Martin Bode.
El archivo del Museo Georgia O’Keeffe contienen una variedad de materiales relacionados con Georgia O’Keeffe y sus contemporáneos, materiales que incluyen correspondencia, fotografías y recuerdos de un valor histórico imperecedero. Estas variadas colecciones cuentan una historia de interconexiones: aquellas conexiones y relaciones que O’Keeffe cultivó durante el transcurso de su vida, así como las conexiones significativas entre los artefactos en el archivo que nos permiten contar estas historias.
Frances O'Brien (1904-1990)
Frances O’Brien fue un exitoso retratista y amigo personal de Georgia O’Keeffe. Compartieron un apartamento en la Ciudad de Nueva York poco después de que el esposo de O’Keeffe, Alfred Stieglitz, muriera en 1946. Se escribieron y visitaron regularmente a través de los años.
Edith Halpert (1900-1970)
Edith Halpert, mujer de negocios y vendedora de arte, fundó y administró la galería Downtown en la Ciudad de Nueva York. Expuso las obras de arte de O’Keeffe con regularidad desde 1935 hasta 1961. Se encargaba de las ventas y, a veces, facilitó el enmarcado y la conservación,
Laura Gilpin (1891 – 1979)
Laura Gilpin fue una célebre fotógrafa conocida por sus imágenes del paisaje del suroccidente y la gente pueblo y navajo. La primera fotógrafa profesional que documentó a Georgia O’Keeffe en su casa en Abiquiú, Gilpin tuvo una buena relación con O’Keeffe y la fotografió varias veces al final de su vida.
Louis Rosen (1918-2009)
Louis Rosen fue un físico nuclear para el proyecto Manhattan en Los Álamos. Louis y Mary Rosen se hicieron amigos de O’Keeffe por medio de sus mutuos conocidos John y Elizabeth Allred, hija de Martin Bode, quien fue vecino de O’Keeffe.
Left to right: Georgia O'Keeffe portrait; Letter from Georgia O’Keeffe to Frances O’Brien; Frances O'Brien informational label; O’Keeffe Paintings in Pastel exhibition ephemera; Edith Halpert informational label; Letter from Edith Halpert to Georgia O’Keeffe; Georgia O'Keeffe informational label; Laura Gilpin informational label; Holiday card from Laura Gilpin to Georgia O’Keeffe; Georgia O'Keeffe Standing by Salita Door; Letter from Georgia O’Keeffe to Rosens; Invitation to event honoring Louis Rosen; Louis Rosen informational label.
Case detail left (left to right): Georgia O'Keeffe portrait; Letter from Georgia O’Keeffe to Frances O’Brien; Frances O'Brien informational label; O’Keeffe Paintings in Pastel exhibition ephemera; Georgia O'Keeffe informational label; Edith Halpert informational label; Letter from Edith Halpert to Georgia O’Keeffe; Laura Gilpin informational label; Holiday card from Laura Gilpin to Georgia O’Keeffe.
Case detail center (left to right): Letter from Georgia O’Keeffe to Frances O’Brien; Frances O'Brien informational label; O’Keeffe Paintings in Pastel exhibition ephemera; Georgia O'Keeffe informational label; Edith Halpert informational label; Letter from Edith Halpert to Georgia O’Keeffe; Laura Gilpin informational label; Holiday card from Laura Gilpin to Georgia O’Keeffe; Georgia O'Keeffe Standing by Salita Door; Letter from Georgia O’Keeffe to Rosens.
Case detail right (left to right): O’Keeffe Paintings in Pastel exhibition ephemera; Georgia O'Keeffe informational label; Edith Halpert informational label; Letter from Edith Halpert to Georgia O’Keeffe; Laura Gilpin informational label; Holiday card from Laura Gilpin to Georgia O’Keeffe; Georgia O'Keeffe Standing by Salita Door; Letter from Georgia O’Keeffe to Rosens; Invitation to event honoring Louis Rosen; Louis Rosen informational label.